Orange Press Studio


cowboy-cover-sm A COWBOY’S LIFE – 2005

Hard casebound book using bark paper and embossed simulated leather for spine. Imprinted wood cut is carved by hand and letterpress printed on cover. Found images are manipulated in photoshop and output from an Epson inkjet printer. All type is handset in Plantin, and Playbill, then letterpress printed on the giclee prints. Interior sheets of Biblio paper are folded in half, then folded again into a gatefold form before sewn into the covers.

Edition: 10

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squash-cover CUCURBITA – 2006

This book celebrates squash and all it encompasses. The content touches upon three elements: food, art, and stories. Squash nourishes us, and has done so since 7,000 to 5,00 B.C., and there are over 150 varieties! The squash prints were made by the actual fruit and photo engravings were made from the prints. All type is handset using Plantin, Goudy and Engravers and letterpress printed.
Thick book board covers wrapped in handmade seeded paper. Accordion format with pockets on one side and tipped-in sewn pages. The pockets display handmade paper with embedded heirloom seeds from Native Seeds in Tucson, Arizona. The other side of the accordion has hand-sewn pages of stories, recipes, poetry and a pop-up blossom, all relating to squash.

Edition: 15

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rare-cover-detail-sm RARE HAIR – 2009

Our hair is one of the first visible features that identify us. Throughout time, redheads have been given a bad rap, and touted as vixens, hot-tempered and, worse yet, accused as witches and burned at the stake! This book was created to dispel some of the myths and rumors, and shed some light on how unique we really are. To ALL redheads who have endured years of attention, good or bad, this book is dedicated to them.
Thick book board covers wrapped in handmade paper with human red hair clippings from several redheads, including me. Plexiglass inset on cover display larger hair clippings. Two-sided accordion fold with tipped-in sewn pages housing stories, songs, and scientific findings. Letterpress printed with photopolymer plates.

Edition: 8

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